
内窥镜检查是一种非手术检查,可以让你 胃肠病学家或普通外科医生 to use an endoscope, or scope for short, to look inside your body. 内窥镜很长, 软管末端有一个摄像头, which can help identify a variety of conditions and diseases in the upper and lower digestive tract. If your doctor finds an area of concern during the procedure, tissue samples can be retrieved for testing and/or items can be passed through the endoscope for immediate treatment of a digestive tract problem. The most well-known types of endoscopic procedures are 结肠镜检查 and upper endoscopy.



There are various options to choose from when screening for colon cancer, 而是一种常见的内窥镜检查, a 结肠镜检查是金标准和最准确的方法. 癌前期生长, 称为息肉, 能在结肠镜检查中取出吗, 防止它们变成癌症.

手术本身通常需要15-30分钟, 不过你应该计划好两到三个小时的等待时间, 准备和恢复.


当你遵循筛查建议时, 你的医生可以及早发现癌症, 在最容易治疗的时候, 在你出现症状之前. 目前的筛查建议是:

  • 平均风险: When you are 45 and older, it’s time for your first 结肠镜检查 if you have no specific risk factors.
  • 更高的风险: 如果你有结肠癌或息肉的家族史, get screened at age 40 or 10 years before the age of the youngest case in your immediate family.

Colon cancer screening is vital to preventing cancer from growing and spreading within your digestive tract and to other parts of your body. 结肠癌的警告信号可能包括:

  • 腹部/胃疼
  • 排血便
  • 改变你的排便习惯

Talk to your primary doctor if you have concerns or any a personal medical history that might indicate that getting a screening before age 45 is important for you.

Why might someone need a 结肠镜检查 or other endoscopic procedure?

You may be scheduled for an endoscopic procedure to look for:

  • 憩室病(肠道内有口袋)
  • Diverticulitis (inflamed or infected pockets in your intestines)
  • 胆结石:进入胆管的胆结石
  • Growths in the esophagus, 胃 or upper small intestine
  • 痔疮
  • 胰腺炎
  • 胰腺肿瘤
  • 息肉结肠中的息肉或增生
  • 溃疡
  • 胃肠道出血的体征或症状
  • 贫血

内窥镜检查 is required before certain surgeries, such as bariatric procedures for weight loss. It’s also more accurate than X-ray for detecting inflammation, ulcers and tumors.

How do patients prepare in advance of an endoscopic procedure?

Instructions will be provided to you when you schedule your procedure. Your preparation instructions can vary beforehand depending on whether you’re having an upper or lower endoscopy, 你的手术时间已经安排好了, 你可能正在服用某些药物,甚至更多. We encourage you to have a discussion with your referring provider in advance of the procedure to review the instructions and ask questions. Certain prep instructions are available on the right side of this page, if needed. Please be sure it matches the prep instructions provided to you by your provider.  


Most endoscopies are performed with patients under light sedation, which is intended to relax you. 有些病人在手术过程中一直在睡觉. You should remain comfortable with the small possibility of some minor discomfort. We encourage you to discuss with your referring provider what can be expected in advance of the procedure.


内窥镜检查完成后, you’ll be monitored until most of the effects of the medication have worn off. 你可能会觉得镜下有点不舒服, and you might feel bloated because of the air introduced into your digestive tract during the procedure. You’ll also most likely be able to eat right after unless your doctor instructs you otherwise.

You will receive an explanation of the findings during the procedure after you have recovered, although you’ll probably have to wait for the results of any biopsies.

必须有人开车送你回家,然后陪着你. 即使你在手术后感觉很清醒, your judgment and reflexes could be impaired for the rest of the day. You may not drive or return to work and you should not make important decisions that day.  


状态-of-the-art technology is available to our specialists, helping to improve the 护理质量 提供给你和你爱的人. 世界博彩公司十大排名继续投资于内窥镜检查服务, most recently through the addition of new endoscopy suites in both Sayre and 伊萨卡. Specialized endoscopy services are also offered at Guthrie, such as:

  • 巴雷特食管的治疗
  • 内镜逆行胰胆管造影(ERCP)
  • 超声内镜(EUS)
  • 外科内镜
  • 内镜治疗

世界博彩公司十大排名很荣幸地提供 超声内镜(EUS); which combines endoscopy and ultrasound to create images of the digestive tract and its surrounding organs and tissues. By using sound waves to create more detailed images of your digestive tract, 包括食道, 胃, 胆管, 消化道附近的淋巴结和器官(胰腺), 肝脏和胆囊), 你的医生可以寻找腹痛的原因, 化验或x光异常, 或者不寻常的体重减轻, 目的是为了做出更明确的诊断. EUS also may help characterize lesions or bumps on the walls of the 胃 and intestines.  

当肝脏出现问题时,你也有选择, 胆囊, 胆管和胰腺, 包括 内镜逆行胰胆管造影(ERCP). 通过使用ERCP, your provider can identify and treat the cause of unexplained yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice). ERCP can help locate and diagnose certain conditions, 包括:

  • 胆管结石
  • 胰腺炎损害
  • 各种类型的癌症

内窥镜检查 services are available throughout Guthrie’s service area within 宾西法尼亚 and 纽约:

  • 大平底鞋,N.Y.
  • Cortland N.Y.
  • 康宁,N.Y.
  • 伊萨卡,.Y.
  • 塞尔,爸爸.
  • 特洛伊,爸爸.
