

If you've recently had a 心脏病 or other heart health issue, these tips can help you recover.

心脏事件心脏事件,如心脏病 心脏病, can be a life-changing experience 和 may be associated with feelings of anxiety 和 confusion. You may be worried about whether you'll ever get back to feeling like your old self or may be concerned that you'll have another 心脏病 or heart-related health issue in the future.

不幸的是, around 20% of people aged 45 和 older who have a 心脏病 will have another cardiac event within five years of their first. But the good news is that if you make simple lifestyle changes aimed at keeping your heart healthier, you may be able to lower your chances of a repeat cardiac event. While you can't address all risk factors for heart-related health issues, 你做得越多,就越有利于你的心脏和整体健康, 你就越有可能保持健康.

Here are some tips for improving your heart health after a 心脏病 or other serious health issue that negatively affects your heart:


心脏康复 (cardiac rehab) is intended to improve your cardiovascular health after you have experienced a cardiac event. These programs are conducted under medical supervision 和 are geared towards helping you manage the lifestyle factors that affect your heart health. Although cardiac rehab programs are customized for each individual participant, 它们通常由以下三个部分组成:

  • Exercise training 和 counseling – you'll be supervised as you begin to increase your physical activity 和 will be instructed on how to continue exercising safely as you move forward with your recovery
  • Healthy lifestyle education – you'll be provided with information to help you improve your heart health, 比如健康饮食, 保证充足的睡眠, 等.
  • Stress management counseling – learning to manage stress is an important component of keeping your heart healthy 和 many cardiac rehab programs teach stress management techniques


Diet can play an important role in managing heart health, especially after a cardiac event. 有益心脏健康的饮食通常集中在以下食物上:

  • 水果和蔬菜
  • 瘦肉、去皮家禽、鱼和海鲜
  • 低脂乳制品
  • 坚果、豆类和豆类
  • 全谷物 
  • 植物油,如橄榄油和鳄梨油

Some foods, such as processed meats, c和y 和 fried foods, should be limited or avoided. Embracing a Mediterranean-style diet appears to be a popular choice for people trying to improve their heart health.  It may be helpful to work with a dietitian as you make changes to your diet. Heart-healthy dietary changes will also likely be addressed during cardiac rehab.


It may be surprising to learn that sleep can play a major role in heart health. Sleep provides time for the cardiovascular system to restore 和 recharge. Not 保证充足的睡眠 can negatively affect blood pressure 和 contribute to an increased risk of heart disease, 心脏病, 糖尿病和中风. Making sleep a priority can help keep your heart healthy 和 strong.  And it's not just about 保证充足的睡眠 – you need to get quality, restful sleep.


一旦有人心脏病发作, it is safe to assume that they don't want to experience another one. Taking a proactive approach to improving your heart health after a 心脏病 or other serious cardiac event by following the tips above can help you stay healthier 和 stronger for the long-term.


Guthrie’s certified cardiac rehab team can help you recover from a cardiac event or heart procedure. Our rehab team can help recover more quickly 和 reduce your risk of future heart disease.

要了解更多或 预约 格斯里的心脏康复小组 点击这里 或致电866-GUTHRIE (866-488-4743).

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